Why my new book “Don’t Get Sick Over Your Healthcare” truly matters 2018-07-24T01:43:48+00:00

 It’s an exciting week for me.  After 10 years working with patients in the healthcare industry, my first book is complete and, finally, getting into the hands of the people who need it the most.

“Don’t Get Sick Over Your Healthcare” is an easy read and it’s filled with valuable information for you -the patient, you – the caregiver.

Future blogs here won’t be all about promoting my new book, (I promise!) but I hope you’ll take a moment to consider why it’s such an important resource for you and your family.

  • You’re competing with so many others for doctor appointments – You don’t need me telling you that there is a shortage of doctors, nurses and available appointment times. Getting your preferred appointment – maybe any appointment – is harder than ever.  There are several steps you can take to win the appointment battle.
  • Preparing for your appointment upfront separates you from the masses – If you take the time to confirm your appointment, arrive on time and prepare a few questions for the doctor, you’re already miles ahead of your competition – other patients. And you’ll see better results, guaranteed.
  • Asking the right questions at your appointment helps you leave the clinic on the right track – Many patients expect their healthcare experience to be directed by someone else, but if you have questions prepared, write down the answers and ask the doctor for clarification on your treatment plan, now you’re taking charge. An engaged patient gets everyone’s attention at the clinic
  • Having someone with you at the appointment can be the differences between success and failure – It may be the most difficult step to accomplish, but identifying a personal healthcare partner who is with you at the appointment means you’re going to tell the doctor more, hear what she says better and, most important, remember what was said after you leave the clinic.


Let’s take this journey together.  You can become a new, prepared, educated, supported and confident patient starting today.  Better yet, you’ll be able to help other’s achieve the same by following the steps I’ve outlined in “Don’t Get Sick Over Your Healthcare.”  It’s been a great journey so far for me and I’m thrilled to be able to share insights with you into getting better care and living a healthier future.